Blog Archives

The Ama, The Ningyo, and the Shark by Robin White

An excerpt from The Ama, The Ningyo, and the Shark From Strangelet 2.2 Robin White He settled her on the ground, wary of her fragility, the hollow nature of her existence. Walking away left him feeling nauseated and uncomfortable, as

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

Comeback by Holly Schofield

An excerpt from Comeback From Strangelet 2.2 Holly Schofield Last year, when the oil company began drilling the sandstone in the back pasture next door, I trekked out there in my slow and painful way. Leaning on the fence, the

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

Mildew in the Morning by Steve Toase

An excerpt from Mildew in the Morning From Strangelet 2.2 Steve Toase The tent appeared in Katie’s garden overnight, crumpled and spattered with mildew. Slack guy ropes strewn across the lawn, eight of the once-neon cords pegged at odd angles

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

Roots and Bones by Anton Rose

An excerpt from Roots and Bones From Strangelet 2.2 Anton Rose That evening, after dinner, I sat down with Mum and tried to talk to her about the situation. “We were thinking, all of us, that it might be an

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

Ada, Awake by L.S. Johnson

An excerpt from Ada, Awake From Strangelet 2.1 L.S. Johnson 1. It was the dream again: I walked along a narrow stone path at night. The damp increased as I walked, moisture condensing on stone and skin alike. I breathed

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

The Natural Habits of Nesting Men by Salena Casha

An excerpt from The Natural Habits of Nesting Men From Strangelet 2.1 Salena Casha Between my gloved fingers, I held definitive proof of their existence. In my hand, I cradled the coding to our next evolutionary step. It was the

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

The Heart Guardian by Amanda Miska

An excerpt from The Heart Guardian From Strangelet 2.1 Amanda Miska It was just me and Mama after Daddy left. That’s when she met God in a fever dream. I was thirteen and nursed her back to health with nettle

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

On a Diet of Souls by Lynn Wohlwend

An excerpt from On a Diet of Souls From Strangelet 2.1 Lynn Wohlwend We are waiting for a call from the kidnapper that I know will never come. Three officers sit at our kitchen table taking notes whenever they think

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

The Secret Underground Tooth Economy of Boston

An excerpt from The Secret Underground Tooth Economy of Boston From Strangelet 1.2 Will White I’ve been living in Boston for over a year now and I think the single thing that’s taken me the longest to get used to

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

Start the Day with an Espresso

An excerpt from Start the Day with an Espresso From Strangelet 1.2 Steve Toase I only realised I was being hollowed out as I looked in the sink after a shave. When I imagined being stuffed with straw I pictured

Posted in Fiction Samples, News

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